Responsible winegrowing - Langlois Crémant de Loire



The aromatic richness of Langlois Crémant de Loire wines is deeply rooted in its unique terroirs. Aware of this reality, the Maison works hard to ensure its rigorous, soil-friendly methods serve simply to enhance its natural environment.



‘Observe, understand and naturally prevent’ is the philosophy behind Langlois’ decision to join the Terra Vitis initiative in 2000 and develop ever-more responsible ways of growing grapes.

In fact, the whole vineyard was one of the first to be awarded this seal, which is grounded in the three pillars of environmental, social and economic sustainability. Once again, true to its philosophy of excellence and independence of spirit, it has exceeded all expectations and continues to strive for constant improvement.

Responsible winegrowing - Langlois Crémant de Loire



The Maison works to protect the wildlife and plants found in its vineyards, which play a crucial role in maintaining these delicate ecosystems. This includes the replanting of hedges, such as in the Justicions parcel. Langlois is also committed to preserving its hundred-year-old oak trees and the wooded environment of its parcels.

The trees act as sunshades in summer, protecting the grapes from the scorching heat, and make ideal refuges for wild animals. The Langlois vineyards are now home to little owls, roe deer, hares and badgers.


Responsible winegrowing - Langlois Crémant de Loire

Workingtowardsa better tomorrow

As further proof of its dedication to nature, the Maison began converting a portion of its vineyard to organic agriculture in 2020. It now aims to produce all Crémants de Loire exclusively using certified organic grapes by 2030.


and training

Recognising its local responsibility, the Maison is equally committed to supporting its partner growers in their transition to organic farming. It does this by sharing its expertise, providing financial assistance and ensuring transparency on purchase prices. Those who love the Earth need to work together every day: the balance of our ecosystems depends on it.

Responsible winegrowing - Langlois Crémant de Loire